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North Alabama Craft Training Foundation

Huntsville, AL

ABC North Alabama Chapter

To promote, provide for and operate an apprenticeship and training program, which shall be registered with and approved by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training of the United States Department of Labor, with a view to ensuring the existence of a quality local work force in various crafts related to the building industry. Each class meets a total of 36 times per year (including registration and graduation nights). Classes meet one night per week during school calendar while working to obtain on-the-job training hours. Apprentices must be employed in their area of training as they are required to obtain a certain number of on-the-job training hours prior to graduation.


P.O. Box 6125
Huntsville, AL


(256) 355-1168


Jennifer King

Request application at NACTF, P.O. Box 6125, Huntsville, AL 35813 or apply at one of our participating companies.